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The period of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan

With the start of the hot summer days and the beach season, there is an increase in the number of foreigners visiting Azerbaijan. How long is the period of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan determined by the legislation? The period of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons arriving in the Republic of Azerbaijan is as follows:
  • If a foreigner or a stateless person visits the Republic of Azerbaijan with a visa, then the period of temporary stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan is limited to the period of stay specified in the visa;
  • The period of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons arriving in the Republic of Azerbaijan without requiring a visa cannot exceed 90 days, except for the cases stipulated in the international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party.
By the end of this period, foreigners and stateless persons should leave the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan if they do not extend their temporary stay in the country and receive a temporary residence permit, as well as apply for an extension of their temporary stay or obtaining a temporary residence permit.

Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 15 days must be registered at their residence. Information about this is given to foreigners and stateless persons entering the country at border crossing points.

For this purpose, the management of the foreigner's or the stateless person's place of stay (hotel, sanatorium, rest house, boarding house, camping site, tourist base, hospital or other such public places) or the owner of the apartment or other residential area or the foreigner or stateless person must submit the documents provided for in the Migration Code to the relevant executive authority through the internet information resource of the relevant executive authority, via e-mail or personally.

Foreigners and stateless persons are temporarily registered for the period specified in the visa when they arrive with a visa, and for 90 days when they arrive without a visa. It should be noted that the state fee is not paid for the registration of foreigners and stateless persons at their location.

If a foreigner or stateless person changes his residence, he must be registered at his new place within 5 working days. If a foreigner or stateless person temporarily stays in another apartment (residential area) belonging to the owner of the apartment (residential area) in which he was registered, re-registration is not required.

Violation of the above-mentioned rules by foreigners or stateless persons creates responsibility under the Code of Administrative Offenses. Thus, those not complying with these rules are fined by deportation or non-deportation.

When foreigners and stateless persons leave their place of residence, the receiving party or the person himself informs the relevant executive power body about it, and based on this information, they are removed from the register of their place of residence. At the end of the registration period, foreigners and stateless persons are considered to be automatically deregistered.