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Why is it important to get legal help?

Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights emphasises respecting human rights and ensuring rights and freedoms. Article 24 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan also emphasized the importance of human and civil rights and freedoms, stating that everyone has inviolable, inviolable and inalienable rights from the moment of birth. Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights mentions the right to a lawyer as part of the right to a fair trial. Although this is mentioned as a right, in reality, it is always important to use the help of a lawyer. Because every event that happens in our daily life is regulated by law, and if we apply these legal regulations, we will prevent legal problems that we may face, and we can use the rights given to us by law more effectively and direct our lives in a more correct way. So, you can benefit from the rights granted to you by the Family Code in family relations such as marriage, divorce, property division, etc., using, the help of lawyers specialized in family law, using defenders operating in the field of criminal law, the accuser restores violated rights, the accused or suspected person has the opportunity to receive punishment at the minimum limit of punishment provided by law. Also, by taking legal advice, you will learn what actions are prohibited by law and what actions you should avoid. Lawyers specializing in labour law solve the problems you face during labour relations and answer your questions: they help you to prevent illegal dismissal, being subject to disciplinary action and violations by your employer, and slo inform you about the number of days of vacation you can take during the year, what working conditions are provided and other rights. Nowadays, there is also a misconception that legal aid is a service that is needed only during court proceedings. However, when we say legal assistance, it is not only the protection of a defence attorney in court proceedings and arbitrations, but also legal consultation to answer your questions, inform you in various legal fields, shape your affairs according to the law, protect you from facing certain legal problems, and to be aware of your rights and freedoms. You may need legal help even while going about your daily business. How? You buy bread from the market every day. But do you know that when you buy bread every day, you actually make a contract and enter into a civil-legal relationship? When you buy that loaf of bread, you think you're going through a simple process, but as the process begins, you're unconsciously making an offer or acceptance, agreeing to the terms of the contract, making a commitment, and entering into a contract, and at the end of the process, you may need legal arrangements such as dealing with expiration dates, payment obligations, and more. As you can see, every action you take is actually an object of legal regulation. Each action may create additional obligations and responsibilities for you or provide you with additional opportunities - benefits, etc. - established by law. To be aware of all this, you always need legal advice. In other words, it is always advisable to get legal help in every matter, and you can get the best legal help by contacting us.

"IDEA Consulting and Solutions" LLC donated a playground to "Khazar" kindergarten

"IDEA Consulting and Solutions" LLC donated a playground to "Khazar" kindergarten. Following the strategy of corporate social responsibility, "IDEA Consulting and Solutions" LLC donated a new playground consisting of four playgrounds to "Khazar" kindergarten. This project, which is a source of our pride, aims to create a safe and fun environment for children. The playground intended for different age groups will be useful for children's mental and physical development, as well as increasing their social skills, in addition to having fun. The playground in question allows our children to develop and spend quality time in a completely safe and secure manner. In addition to achieving success in the business environment, our company also works for the welfare of society and the protection of the environment. By the corporate social responsibility strategy, we will continue to contribute to the development of society with similar social responsibility projects in the future.

What is an arbitrary (illegal) building and when should it be demolished?

Citizens often face some problems related to their buildings. They are warned by state authorities that their buildings are illegal and will be demolished. But according to the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which buildings are considered illegal and should be demolished? According to the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a residential house, other building, facility or other immovable property built on a plot of land not allocated for construction purposes or without obtaining necessary permits or in serious violation of urban planning and construction norms and rules is considered arbitrary construction. A person who has built a building on his own cannot acquire ownership rights to it. He does not have the authority to dispose of the building - to sell, donate, lease, or enter into other contracts. The right of ownership to independent construction can be recognized by the court for the person who owns the land plot on which the construction was carried out. If the maintenance of the construction violates the rights and interests of other persons protected by law or poses a threat to the life and health of natural persons, the specified person cannot be recognized as the owner of the construction. If the construction for which a permit is required does not contradict the requirements of the normative documents on urban planning and construction, the relevant executive authority must grant the construction permit. The customer applies to the relevant executive authority (institution) to obtain a construction permit. The following documents must be attached to the application: a copy of the document confirming the right of ownership, lease or use authorizing construction on the land plot; construction project; If the customer is a legal entity, a copy of the extract from the state register of legal entities, if a natural person, a copy of the identity document; The environmental impact assessment (EIA) document of projects on the types of activities specified in the appendix to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan about "Environmental Impact Assessment" and the opinion of the state environmental expertise of that document. A construction object or its part whose construction has been completed or not completed may be demolished in certain cases provided by law: According to the Town Planning and Construction Code, when the construction of the construction object or its part, which was started after the entry into force of this Code and is under construction, is built on the land owned by the state or municipality, which has not been allocated for construction purposes by the relevant executive authority or municipality; Despite the request for a construction permit, when the construction object is built without obtaining such a permit, and accordingly, if the construction permit is not obtained within 1 year from the day of the decision to stop the construction works. In these cases, a decision is made to demolish construction objects. This decision can be challenged in court by interested parties.

Creating a Legal Entity

Like many other terms, the concept of the legal entity has its roots in Roman Law. However, the concept of legal entity in Roman Law had a slightly different line of development. So, according to the Romans, the theory that "all rights are for people" was the main one. When reading this theory for the first time, it is possible to come to the conclusion that no other being can be given legal capacity. However, the strength and life of a single person will not be enough, and the need for the work of groups of people to achieve some goals related to people is one of the reasons for the formation of a legal entity. Sometimes the need to establish a group of goods and services to serve a specific purpose and to exist longer than the individual activities of the individuals who appropriated it for a specific purpose made it mandatory to give groups an "Entity" status in Roman law. Like many other terms, the concept of legal entity has its roots in Roman Law. However, the concept of legal entity in Roman Law had a slightly different line of development. So, according to the Romans, the theory that "all rights are for people" was the main one. When reading this theory for the first time, it is possible to come to the conclusion that no other being can be given legal capacity. According to the legislation of Azerbaijan, which is part of the Romano-German legal system, a legal entity is a state-registered, specially created entity that owns the separate property, is responsible for its obligations with this property, and acquires property and personal non-property rights on its behalf. and has the right to exercise, carry out duties, and be a plaintiff or a defendant in court. Legal entities can be created by one natural or legal person, or by a group of natural or legal persons, can be based on membership, may or may not depend on the presence of members, and may or may not be engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Commercial legal entities whose main purpose of legal entity activity is to make profit or non-commercial legal entities whose main purpose is not to make profit and do not distribute the profit among their participants, as well as public legal entities engaged in activities of national and (or) public importance. can A legal entity is created by establishing it and preparing its charter. If a legal entity is created by several founders, the founders, by agreeing, determine the legal entity's charter, the procedure for joint action on its creation, and the conditions for transferring their property to it and participating in its activities. The charter of the legal entity approved by the founders is the founding document of the legal entity. The legal entity's charter defines the legal entity's name, location, the procedure for managing its activity, as well as the procedure for its cancellation. The charter of a non-commercial legal entity defines the subject and goals of its activity. A legal entity must be registered with the state by the law. State registration information, including the company name for commercial organizations, is included in the state register of legal entities, which is open for general inspection. The legal capacity of a legal person arises from the moment of state registration. Commercial legal entities may have the necessary civil rights and perform civil duties to carry out any type of activity not prohibited by law. Legal entities can engage in separate types of activities, the list of which is determined by legislation, only based on a special permit (license). We offer you our professional services in creating commercial and non-commercial legal entities: Preparation of constituent documents and Charter of a legal entity; State registration of the legal entity; Entering the legal entity into the state register; We carry out all necessary procedures on your behalf, obtaining special permission - licenses for individual types of activities.

Myths about making easy money

Myths about making easy money One of the most important criteria to be a successful and wealthy person is proper spending of money. Sometimes people can’t succeed even when they have talent, organizing ability, and the ability for relationship development. Maybe the reason is the wrong attitude to making money. Discover some of the most known myths about money! 1.“I haven’t chosen the right field, and that’s why I’m not rich.” There are millionaires and billionaires almost in every field. Choosing a profession because there are many wealthy people in that field is a completely wrong approach. Do the job that relaxes your soul! It’s possible to earn decent funds in every field. 2. “If I were born in a rich family, it would be easier to earn money.” Most of the top richest people in the world were not born into rich families. All of them passed through a long way and made a profit because of their hard work. Everyone has a chance to get rich, and it doesn’t matter who your parents are. 3. “ If I studied better at school, at college, or university, I could be rich.” For sure, knowledge is necessary. But sometimes, practical skills can teach more than theoretical knowledge. To be a great student is not an assurance of financial success.   4. “The rich be in the right place at the right time by chance.” That is not like this. Their success is not directly connected to chance. Most successful people have achieved success after several failures. 5. “ If I lived in a more successful country as financial aspect, it would be easier to get wealth.” There are wealthy people in every country and society. 6. “Now chances to make money is less.” It can say just the people whose thoughts are old. With the rapid development of technology, it has become easier to earn money in comparison to the past. 7. “ I don’t have enough funds to start, so I can’t own my business.” The great ocean consists of small water drops. By starting with a drop, we get closer to the great ocean. Also, not all ideas require much investment to realize. 8. “I will work hard and certainly, I’ll be a millionaire.” The world is dominated by people who work hard but don’t become rich. Work cleverly, not much!

10 tips to start a business

Nobody will tell you how to succeed in a business, but somebody can give you good advice to think. These 10 tips for beginners reflect all the aspects that an entrepreneur needs to think about. Are you starting a new business or has this business been on the market? In any case, it’s useful to get the comments of experts. 1. Concentration, concentration, and again concentration! A new entrepreneur thinks that every opportunity should be used, but this is a wrong idea. An attempt to prove yourself in a few projects will influence the separation of opportunities which affects the efficiency and productivity of work. As the saying goes, don’t try to have a cake and eat it too. 2. Do the job that you like! Don’t start a business just with the thought that it can make much money. You have more chances to succeed in a business based on your strength and talent. To contribute to the growth and prosperity every day you have to enjoy it besides focusing on profit. Otherwise, your business is doomed to failure. 3. Tell your wish in 30 seconds, or tell nothing! Whether you are meeting with a potential investor or talking to an interesting client, express your opinions correctly.  Firstly, state your purpose, explain your mission and services as briefly and clearly as possible. Don’t forget that, every step you take and the laconism of your opinion will be appreciated by the other party.   4. Be sure things that you know, learn what you don’t know, get to know somebody that can teach you what you don’t know! Nobody in the world knows everything, and neither do you. That’s why listen to the advice of people or mentors who you trust. You can be a real leader and capable businessman with the right priorities around them. So, gather the successful and experienced people with whom you share common interests.  Build interactive, beneficial, and long-lasting relationships with them. 5. Your wallet is the heart of your business! Be relevant to your business! Forget comfortable offices, fast cars, and expensive restaurants. Focus on your work and constantly develop your business. Keep track of your expenses and think for times before buying anything. Effective cash management with limited funding is key to a successful start. 6. Learn to live “under fire”! No education or a job plan can predict your future perfectly or make you a successful businessman. A perfect plan doesn’t exist, and can’t exist. Don’t try to start a new business without thinking about your next steps, also, don’t waste your time months, or years taking action. Remember that facing real challenges will turn you into an experienced businessman. Drawing a conclusion from your faults and not repeating them is one of the valid things you can do. 7. Nobody will ever give you money! Nobody will invest in you from the beginning. If you need huge capital to start, start from the main, most important works. Explore the value and related expenses by simplifying your plan as much as possible. You have to show the value of your business before looking for an investment. If your conception is successful, your chance to increase capital by an investor would significantly increase. 8. Be healthy! To be healthy means to be more productive. So, we mustn’t forget ourselves. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, it’s not a job you will work from morning till evening. Exhausting yourself by working means not achieving your goals and this will worry you even more. Without exception – eat right, do exercise and make time for yourself. 9. Don’t be a victim of your words! Impress with deeds, not stories. Avoid empty words and exaggeration. As you advertise your ambitious plans, consider that you must meet their requirements. In brief, talk less do more! 10. Leave when the time comes! The wise captain doesn’t think with the ship. Don’t follow your desires, know that it is time to retreat. If your hard work doesn’t work, then find out what is wrong, draw a conclusion and think about your next step. To benefit both yourself and your future endeavors, conclude the lessons you gained in this difficult path and define how you can benefit from them. Failures are inevitable, but a strong will would overcome any difficulty.

16 Interesting facts about business

1. The car “Ford T” cost 265 USD in 1924. 2. Mobile phones cost 4195 USD in 1984. 3.  More than half of all ketchup sold in the world is “Heinz” ketchup. 4. Rubik’s Cube is the best-selling item of all time. iPhone is in second place. 5. In the first year, “Coca Cola” could sell just 25 bottles, but it continued. 6. A child who is starting his first year at school is able to recognize nearly 200 logos of different companies. 7. Almost all newspapers in the world are published in USA and Canada. 8.  The words "face", "book", "wall", "poke" and "like" are the registered trademarks of ”Facebook”. 9. tea is mainly grown in 5 countries – China (nearly 80% of green tea), India (mostly black tea), Shri-Lanka ( Ceylon, the birthplace of Lipton tea), Japan ( Exotic tea), Taiwan ( different green tea types). 10. The most productive day of a workday is the evening of Tuesday. 11. 90% of all restaurants be in the red in their first year. 12. Coffee is the second largest commodity in international trade. Petrol is the first one. 13. The names of products in IKEA are developed by a special program, and they don’t have semantic meanings.    14. In the whole world drinks are the main income source for McDonald’s. 15. One million dollars in 100 USD billing weighs nearly 10 kg. 16. A Chinese proverb says: “a person who can’t laugh shouldn’t trade”.


1. Be organized You have to be well-organized to succeed business. The organization will be helpful to accomplish the tasks and to overcome the work. The best way of it is to make a list – check your list every time to fulfill a task. It will help you not to forget anything and you will complete any task you will need on business. 2. Take detailed notes Behind every successful business is taking detailed notes. By taking these notes, you will achieve to keep in mind the financial condition of your business and the difficulties you can face. Just knowing this will give you time to overcome the challenges, and it will help you to succeed and grow in your business.   3. Analyse your competitors Competition is the best way to get a good result. You mustn’t be afraid of learning from your rivals. Thanks to all this, they can do something good and by doing a better one you can improve your business and make a good profit.   4.  Realise risks and rewards. The main factor in developing a business is calculating risks. Ask yourself “what is the downside?”. If you can answer this question, hence you know the worst case. This information will let you calculate the risks and achieve great success in your business.  5. Be creative   Always be innovative and look for ways to grow your business. It will make you superior than your rivals. Take into concideration that you can’t know everything, be open to new ideas and new approaches. 6. Be in the high-light Such an ancient saying “Rome wasn’t Rome in a day”, may apply to us. Just because a business doesn’t mean you will start to earn money right away. It takes time for people to know you. So, be willing to achieve your goals, and take your time to get everything right.   7. Be ready to sacrifice ( don’t be afraid to lose) The first step to start a business is hard work, but once you open the doors, your work is just starting. To be successful, you have to be ready to spend less time with your family and friends. 8. Provide qualitative service Sometimes businessmen forget it is essential to provide quality customer service. If you provide quality customer service, then the next time they will turn to you not to your rival to get what they need. 9. Be consistent     Sustainability is one of the most important components of making money in business. You have to know what is on the agenda and what is not, and work continuously for a successful business. This will allow you to make money for a long time. 


Marketers and advertisers, in particular, think that you need to change somebody’s thoughts before changing his/her behaviour. They believe you can change their behaviour if you make them believe. That’s why the function of advertisement is to persuade people.   In 1897, Charles Austin expressed this opinion for the first time. Many marketers asserted this mindset in the twentieth century, but Rosser Reeves was the most well-known.  Reeves stated in 1961 that every brand must have a "unique sale offer" that is emphasized in all advertisements. This viewpoint is so widely held that many advertising agencies now refer to themselves as "assurance agencies".   However, the only way to sell is not to be convincing. Of course, by convincing, you can direct the person to a manner (to prefer the brand), but usually, this is the hard way. Because, the mind of a human is programmed to like its ideas, not accepting others’ ideas. Nobody wants to change his/her mind. Even children enjoy their ideas.   All successful brands follow different strategies. These are the brands that explain their benefits to people, please them, and do not change selling decisions for their brand, but rather first incorporate their products into consumers' lives and then develop positive thoughts about their brands.   The main goal here is to get your brand consumed. When someone purchases a brand, he or she begins to think and speak positively about that brand. Human concludes about manners being how right or wrong when manners are conscious or unconscious. After making a choice, tries to prove to himself/herself and the people around her/him that how good her/his decision is.   As a result, after consuming a brand people’s desire for that brand increases. Every user’s love for a brand and attribution of good features to the brand is associated with a supportive approach of the human mind in the research about the brand.   Huge brands become popular brands in this way without attempting to be liked.  “Experience is the child of action,” says Benjamin Disraeli.